The Newsletter

The Money Class

A newsletter dedicated to our continuing education in matters of money and wealth. Subscribers can look forward to:

  • Explanations of financial concepts and jargon in plain English

  • Ideas for ways to apply The Rules and meet financial challenges

  • Straight talk about what’s going on in the world right now

  • Lessons from the past and what they mean to us today

  • Encouragement and words of wisdom

  • Opportunities to comment, ask questions, and interact with other subscribers

You can anticipate that there will be some articles about income inequality, housing costs, student loans, and other major sources of financial pain in some people’s lives. It’s the world we live in, and we need to know what we are up against.

We will also be alert for useful information from any source that fits with our general approach to personal finance—slow and steady. And we will alert readers when we learn about people and organizations that support similar goals.

There may be an occasional “how-to” item dealing with financial matters. We’ll have room for legitimate tips and tricks—ways to save money. And we will look for experts who may be able to offer insight on specific questions.

Our overall goal is to use the newsletter to help people connect and form an online community.