The No B.S.* Rules

(*No Boring Stuff)

A short-non-nonsense look at the elements and principles of personal financial management in the 21st Century.

This book provides an overview of the theory get down to the basics: The rules. Additional sections of the book go into detail on specific topics of interest to some readers: Student loans, credit reports, car loans and similar topics. There is a glossary that will help readers understand the jargon, acronyms and technical terms that they need to know. The book closes with encouragement and information about additional resources.

Who is This Book For?

People who are working hard and getting a regular paycheck but spending a lot of time worrying about money.

People who are inexperienced at managing their money and who want to get off to a good start.

People in the “gig” economy, by choice or by chance, who are feeling the stress of making ends meet.

People who are living paycheck to paycheck and feel like they can never get ahead.

People who simply feel frustrated with their financial situation and who are looking for better, simpler, more effective ways to manage their money.

People who are in debt and struggling to get in the clear.

People who feel like something is wrong but are not sure how to cut through the marketing fog surrounding money management to find a straightforward path to financial security.

People who want to keep more of the money they earn.

People like you.

And me.